Moving Day

Today we have a snippet from moving day. Natalie was moving out of her apartment, but had yet to find a new apartment. Through a little working of the magic and having splendid friends, she found a temporary home for her belongings and a separate home for her. For one week, she lived this hilarious life. Orchestrating such a moving day is no easy task. As such, there was a significant amount of planning that went in to the actual event. Most of the discussion took place over email.

Moving day is always stressful, regardless of the amount of planning. If you have a glass half-full kind of friend, like myself, you usually end up with unnecessary amounts of encouragement.

In the early morning hours, Natalie does not have as much to do at work. So I woke up to a mundane “here’s what happened today” email with this conclusion:

8:23 AM
AAHHHHHHHH How am I ever going to get through this day?

I snap into comfort mode and try to alleviate some stress with humor. If you have a nerdy friend like me, then you will get a response that goes something like this:

9:51 AM
Also, how big of a car are you getting? Fun fact: I’m awesome at Tetris and therefore packing up cars, so I should definitely be part of the moving team.

But does the amount of good friendiness stop there? Of course not! As the day drags on, Natalie begins to feel the weight of the day and pressures of her life. I emerge from the subway at my job to find a less enthusiastic email:

12:21 PM
I feel so low right now, like I want to cry. Cheer me up, please?

And cheer I shall!

1:19 PM
Why are you all low and sad face?!? You have so much going on and you’re doing so well in your life! You have a job (that pays really well), that allows you to live the life you want (you get to have an apartment all to yourself), and you can still do all of your research projects. You life in New York!! You have me (and I have you!). Boys fall at your feet in a single glance! You can have anything and everything that you want! I love you. Smile. I’ll call you when I get out of class. Did you get my text? Do you need cake? Ice cream? Ice cream cake? We could obtain those things. If you don’t want to go out tonight, we can go home and paint our nails, eat, drink, and watch crappy movies if you want.

And be happy you aren’t me. No job. No desire to even get a job. Probably going to end up bartending. And pining over a guy who doesn’t even care or notice even though he once did.

This sets the tone for the email antics that are rampant in our daily exchanges. There is cheering up going on from both sides. The subject of boys will come up often, as it will between girls. We have other topics, but let’s face reality here. At least we try to keep it lighthearted. And I’d like to go ahead and apologize for my tendency to be slightly self-deprecating. It is something I have tried to work on. Maybe in putting it out for the world to see I will see how truly unappealing it is and eliminate it from my communication.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry, I', pretty self-deprecating too. And in pretty much the same boat job and boy wise.
