It's Thursday!

On this particular Thursday, Natalie was already excited for the evening ahead and did not waste any time sending me a good morning email. The subject line of the email was the same as the title of this post. The enthusiasm is palpable. 

7:50 AM
Emergency 911, Batman! I forgot my phone at home, idiot!
To go and get it, that is the question. The thing is, I can’t leave Job2 until 6. It takes about 45 minutes to get to campus from there. If I go home it takes 30 minutes and then another 20 minute walk, which is doable. However, considering the long day plus the walking, I think I’ll pass. So anyway, the moral of the story is… I will not have my phone. I know you have office hours until 7, so my plan is just to make it to you by that time so that I don’t need to worry about using said phone.

The email then breaks into a rant that I will spare others from. Sometimes you just mention something in an email and the next thing you know your hands take control and type out a mini novel. It happens. We are all guilty of it. Just know that the email ended with this:

And she was like, “Yeah, please just tell me if its NOT working.” Like, WICKED bitchy.

Sorry I am rating about this in email (hope you’re not reading this on your phone).

So anyway, you, my dear, have a super productive day so you can run away with me at 7 and just remember I don’t have my telephone.

Oh, that’s sweet of her. Acknowledging that the first emails I usually read in a day are on my phone because I’m too lazy to get my computer and/or sit up properly. She’s considerate and then motivational in the final conclusion of the email.

Once I lift my lazy head up enough to open my laptop, which was most likely right next to me, I send her an eloquent response.

9:23 AM
I’ll write a short reply to your rant: I’ll just wait on campus until you get there. That work? Probably the best plan. See you then!

For some reason that concluded the correspondence for the day. I suspect that we were both actually productive and earned our night out at the bar.

Note: The double post today is a result of being too stressed on Thursday because of a job interview. Yes, I had a job interview. No, it wasn't for a super for real serious big girl job, but a job I really want nonetheless.

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