
After the epic email exchange that happened the previous day, I did not expect this day to be overly incredible. The quantity of exchanges was not nearly as great, but the content was almost equally as priceless. Most of this was probably due to me being (slightly) out of my funk and her being well rested. As is the usual start to the day, Natalie sent a message. A passionate, billion topics filled email.

9:29 AM
Good morning! Oh my, did I need that night of sleep. I feel fantastic today. Sooooooo necessary. I like need sleep nowadays. That’s so old of me. So yeah, anyway… what’s the plan for tonight? I know you wanted to talk about stuff with Mark, but there is this sale at Macy’s for Veteran’s Day on rugs so I think I might try and stop in real quick today after work. You should meet me there then we can go to The Bar together afterward and convince Mark to come meet up with us after his office hours? Did you get work done last night? I actually worked on stuff at home. Yay for me doing work after working two jobs, woohoo! I have decided that Friday night I am going to stay in with a bottle of wine and just clean and caulk and do work and go shopping early Saturday. Then I can organize more and then… party time! And then Sunday will be devoted to work and laundry. Looking forward to massively productive weekend. Hope I can actually pull all that off. I think it cane be done. Just need to stick to the schedule. Ooooo and on Sunday, I may actually go grocery shopping too. In order to make Sunday productive, I will need to control myself on Saturday night. Hmmmm, not my strong point. Meh. I can do it!

Anyway, I thought I would start your morning with another glorious bored/save me emailing session. I think I might actually do work here today. Inspiration and GO!

Thoughts about tonight?

I like her grandiose ideas of being super productive on the weekend. She put so many things on her list, and I think it might be hard to get all of them done (and I think I end up being right and she was not as productive as originally planned). Anyway, her energy and enthusiasm jump right off the computer screen, and may have contributed to my own ambitions to have an equally productive day. Also, part of my crankiness on the previous day was due to lack of sleep because I start this day incredibly chipper.

9:38 AM
I too apparently needed sleep! Went to bed at like 11:30 last night and woke up about half an hour ago.

My plan for the day is this: take a shower after replying to this email, get dressed, head to campus. Wait, wait. Must make tea. Insert make tea before the shower and after the shower and after the getting dressed. Okay, then! Print out homeworks while I finish internship stuff (Ooh, or I’ll work on that on the train. Be that girl furiously typing away on the laptop). Grade homeworks. Class. More grading. Then office hours.

I’m holding office hours tonight because Mark and I switched so that I wouldn’t have to have mine when my cousin was here. Awww Mark. So sweet. Anyway, so I’ll be on campus and just hang out there until you’re ready to head to The Bar. And invite Mark! He might come with (I doubt it, but maybe) since he might go to campus after work and he’ll want to get all the grading done (he and I are on a very serious mission). But see what he says.

And I don’t know when I’ll have my serious talk with him. Might be soon, but I haven’t really decide the best situation for it or whatever. We’ll see how tonight goes just the three of us hanging out at the bar. He might actually have to talk to me then.

Okay. Shower time. Then working time.

Oh yeah, the answer to your question: no, I didn’t get a lot of work done. Even though I said, “yeah, let’s watch something I’ve seen a ton so I can do work while we watch.” Moral of the story: ‘Shaun of the Dead’ is too good not to focus on it.

My reliance on tea to function is obvious here. Look how many times I included it in my itinerary for the day! While I was definitely in a better mood, I was still being girly and whiny about Mark. More on that later. For a little clarification on the end of the email, I had talked to Natalie that evening. My roommates and I decided we would watch a movie, and for once I got to pick. And yes, that is a true statement (about the movie being too good to not watch). Worth it though. That movie is good every time. Did I say good? I meant amazing!

Okay, enough with the shameless plugging of a wonderful film. Back to the exchanges. They became short, simple, and sweet emails for a little part of the day, starting with Natalie’s reply to my message.

9:55 AM
Well done, my lady. Well done. Oooooh The Bar. Drinking, relaxing, seeing your face. All VERY exciting. So you have to be on campus until 7, right?

Oh look at her. Being super sweet to me and remembering my “work” schedule. Time to put her to work though on getting Mark to join us for a beer. He is far more receptive to her attempts to solicit his company because he assumes all of mine are shameless attempts to get some alone time with him (so what if they are?!).

10:18 AM
Yup, until 7. And I can stay there later if you need to do some shopping or whatever. Did you ask Mark about going? Or are you going to wait for that?

Efficiency! Immediate response!

10:19 AM
I’ll shoot him an email now.

I inform her that I approve of this decision about the only way I know how.

10:20 AM

Yes, that is really all that I wrote in response to her email. I’m wonderful like that. She eventually puts it all together and finds a moment to reply.

10:36 AM
I read that and didn’t get it, and then read my message right above it and then your voice going “pew pew pew” came through my head and I just laughed out loud as a partner was walking by. He just laughed at me like I totally shouldn’t enjoy my job as much as I do. Hilarious!

So, email sent. I’ll keep you posted on the response.

PS. Just got to call the hot, young, seemingly single accounting manager. He’s gonna come pick up his package in reception. I’ll him a package, all right. Ooooh and the super busy/important/rich as hell CEO said hi to me today. By name! He just came to get the pack and he’s so hot. Nice butt, too. Yeah, you walk away like that. If only people could see my emails, I would so get fired. Anyway, back to work.

This email was probably where I got the idea to start the blog. Of course I asked her permission because of lovely gems like this. But seriously! Can you blame me? Shouldn’t more people see the awesome that is that phrasing? And you know you think things like that. I don’t care who you are, everyone has an inner monologue. Natalie (and myself) let ours out into the real world by including it in email form. As I’m giggling about this, she sent a follow up message that Mark would be joining us at The Bar. Fabulous! I respond with obvious excitement and newfound motivation for my day.

10:53 AM

And you are hilarious. Glad you figured out what I was saying just in time for someone to see. Food time! Then campus time!

It was around this point in the day when I either sat down to do work, watch some Netflix or head to campus. Well, all of those things happened, with very little emphasis on the work. I began to make my way to campus, and was able to check my email as I was waiting to change trains.

12:47 PM
So omg I literally just did so much work it’s ridiculous. I think I am literally turning into a workaholic. Hmmmm, let me think about it… reason my parents got divorced other than just not being right for each other? Oh, that’s right. They both wanted to work full time and disagreed who would have to stay home because they are both… workaholics.

Apparently, my leaving Natalie alone allowed her to be productive and have some deep meaningful realizations about herself. Part of her deep thoughts also included an analogy to working a lot to heavy drug use. Sometimes she’s addicted to productivity where as I tend to burn out from over productivity. Now, I could write back and be all happy for her abundant workings that have gone on and chime in with my own productivity on the train. Instead, I sent her a play by play of my adventures getting to campus.

1:07 PM
I have the worst luck with trains. Running late, as usual. Drafting this while I wait for the next train. Oh there it is! I did work the whole way here. Going to write this to you so I don’t forget that I need to play f(diffYandZ) and Y(diffYandZ). Woo! Sure you wanted to know that. Fun facts for you!

Writing emails on the train. I’ll hit send the second I get to campus. Probably going to make it in the nick of time for class. I’m terrible. So much for getting here early.

I blame Netflix. And flatmates. Mostly Netflix. Watching a terrible (might be good, not sure yet) movie about gay Mormons with Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Rob McElhenney (one of the guys from ‘It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia’). Should be interesting. Okay. Next stop is me.

Thom Yorke is amazing.

So there I am, ranting as usual and including code into an email. Everyone wants to be my friend and receive such wonderful insights. Also, I love my propensity to include so many movie reviews and updates and such through email, which then allows me to share it through this blog. And for those of you dying to know, the movie ended up being pretty good (I can’t remember the title, but I think I gave a sufficient number of clues where you could find it).

The last line of that email might have been confusing for anyone, even Natalie. Lucky for her (and you), I sent a follow-up email shortly after this one.

1:51 PM
Let me elaborate, the “Thom Yorke is amazing” comment should also include that he is perhaps my favorite train music.

Theory time!!!!!! In the beginning of the semester, Mark and I would keep pace with each other with the grading. We would call each other to discuss individual questions and concerns and specific problems. We would routinely be like, “Okay, working tonight. I’m sure I’ll call you,” and we would. And it was great. But the past couple weeks, we haven’t done that. Like, at all. And I’ve tried to, but he always seems like “OMG why are you contacting me it’s just grading just do it”. I mean, he never said anything like that, but yeah.

So this might be a good segue into talking to him. Because it’s obviously affecting work now! And he’s going to look at our grading stats to see where we diverged, if we have at all. But yeah, I’m thinking it could be the key to the talking about serious things. Like, hey man. What the fuck. Let’s be friends. And really mean it. Stop being a fuck. We’ve had this conversation so many times. I’m sick of it too. Etc.


The kicker? She never replied to this email! I’m sure she and I discussed it at some point. And the serious talk did not happen this night. It eventually happened, unplanned and spontaneous.

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