Two days in a row, I started the communication, which is so not the norm. I think the opening to my email says it all. The rest of the email reinforces my habits of no structure to my emailing and how prone I am to boredom.
10:14 AM
Haven’t talked to you in like a day! WTFuck is up with that?!?!
How was working on things yesterday? It’ll get better/easier (yay cheerleader!)
I’m bored. I was going to do work, but I can’t get motivated. Letting the cousin sleep a little while longer before we head to a museum. Not even sure which one. Maybe I should look that up.
You going out for drinks with peoples this evening? I was thinking about emailing peoples about going out tomorrow evening. Or maybe I’ll just text that later. After we figure out the plan for tomorrow besides him coming to class with me.
Ummmmmm. Let’s see. What else. Oh yeah. Food yesterday was great. Comedy was also great. And then we came home and did work. Nerdtastic!
That’s all.
Ps. Look at me learning to entertain you while you’re at the job you can be entertained at!
Explanation of the postscript might be in order. Typically, Natalie emails me during Job1 because it’s her receptionist job, and she isn’t constantly busy. It’s her morning job, so I tend to sleep through about half of her shift. Her afternoon job is much busier, which is awful for me. It’s right around that time that I feel like I should be doing work so I start to look for ways to distract myself and avoid work. At least today I was doing it right. And it seemed to have an effect on her.
10:47 AM
So have I told you today that I love you? You’re hilarious. (Awww, thanks for noticing, Natalie.) I may go to a work function tonight or I’ll meet up with you guys. Not sure yet. So Saturday night was fantastic. David came over and we had sex all night and stayed up until literally 7am, which then made it so I slept all day yesterday (literally until 5, fan-fucking-tastic). But apparently I really needed the sleep because I was still able to go to bed last night at 10 and slept like a baby. Go figure. Anyway, it was really fun and just what I needed. So feeling great today, well rested, sexy outfit, doing work.
I saw another roach in my place last night. Totally freaked out again. This time it was in my living room which is REALLY REALLY not cool because now I can’t even relax on my couch without being paranoid. Definitely getting an exterminator in there this weekend, no questions asked. That’s half the reason I went to bed so early was because I couldn’t sit on my couch because I felt so uncomfortable (Ps. I tried to kill it with a book and missed and lost it!!!). Anyway, seriously can’t handle bugs. I was shaking like a leaf for like half an hour and then barricaded myself in my room and woke up throughout the night paranoid that there was one on my bed somewhere. HORRIBLE feeling! I have now seen three in there… meaning they are there and must be destroyed. Mission… GO!
So Job1 is having dinner and drinks tonight for the whole office. Should I go?
Anyway, keep me posted and feel free to continue to distract me :).
She adopted my topic-jumping monologue style. All were important points, so it had to be discussed.
10:58 AM
Go you and your attempts at bug killing! Baby steps, my dear, baby steps. Someday you’ll be fine.
Well, cousin and I probably won’t make it out for drinks tonight because we’re going to the movie, but maybe tomorrow night drinks? So you could do both! You could go to dinner then meet up with everyone for drinks and convince them to go out tomorrow evening too. Just for a drink or two. Nothing crazy. Need to calmly wind down the New York adventures with one last small night/evening on the town. Also, I really want him to meet Mark. And I think Mark is trying to avoid that at all costs. Stupid boy. It might almost be Natalie wingman verbal-bitchslap-tastic time. We’ll see how this week goes. Meh.
Ummmmmmmm my hands are cold. There was a little sleet mixed in the rain. I had a couple pieces of candy for breakfast. I’ve been awake for a while. Should be grading. I think I’ll watch some Netflix.
So that middle paragraph brings a lot to the table. My cousin and I got to a movie screening - very New York experience for a visitor. Also, our friends wanted to meet for drinks as we try to do about every month or so. I was successful in steering others to go out the second night as opposed to the first. It was lovely and turned into one of those nights that ended later than planned. Worth it. And the Mark thing. That’s a long story for another day. The short version is that I am the girliest girl ever when it comes to him. It’s a little embarrassing, but what can you do? Someday I will regain my senses. Or win. Time will tell.
I would like to point out how great that conclusion of the email is. Definitely one of those emails that epitomizes the address of this blog.
11:03 AM
You are officially the queen of procrastination. I love it! I am calling you in like 10 minutes FYI…
Oh really…
11:04 AM
I’m answering your call in like 10 minutes FYI…
Yes, that was a necessary email. So was her response.
11:06 AM
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