Cuss you, Jay Baruchel

Today the emailing was a little behind schedule. Natalie in all of her over-achieverness was doing work at work. I did not wake up to an email, and the first one I received was her asking for grammar advice. Now, I enjoy doing a little writing here and there, but I will be the first to admit that I do not have the best grammar in the world (and admitting that here is a blanket of “don’t correct my grammar). At least it ended with her asking how I was feeling. This was a couple days after Halloween, and I had been feeling a bit under the weather. I replied that her grammar looked fine to me (again, “good enough” might have been a more accurate phrase to use). As for my sickness, it was primarily just a sore throat. After a few days of serious rest, I think it had more to do with not sleeping very much and enjoying the New York paced lifestyle a bit too much. Natalie had finished her work (I guess) with my grammar comment, so she was able to focus on emailing and comforting me in my day of sickness.

11:12 AM
I haaaaaaaate sore throats. They are super annoying. You should go down to the corner store and buy some ice cream for yourself because you deserve it. You gonna be okay to cook tonight?

The plan for that night (for me) was for my roommate and I to have a friend over for dinner and a movie. These plans had been made before the sore throat set in, but I was determined to keep them. So I replied to her with an air of “I can write a coherent email”, meaning I wrote one short paragraph.

11:23 AM
I’m going to get some popsicles when I go grocery shopping. And probably some throat spray stuff. I assume I’ll be good to cook. Or maybe I should have my roommate reschedule with him for tomorrow night or something. I’ll that to her. And make those decisions later. I should go get groceries. Maybe after this movie.

At least I was very focused on going to get groceries and being productive for the day. That, and watching a movie.

11:35 AM
You are amazing. I love you. I am excited for Thursday, for no apparent girl reason or anything. And I think I might hang out with David tomorrow night. So tonight will be a night of cleaning and computer program fixing spectacularness. I have decided that in the name of Job2 embarrassment, I am going to work extra hard there and not go out with them for like at least 2 more weeks. Someone doesn’t know how to control her drinking when she gets excited. And since my boss gets me excited, it’s just a recipe for disaster. That girl who was emailing me stopped by my desk yesterday and was like, “You had a pretty out of control weekend, huh?” still alluding to the rumor of my make out session, which just really makes me mad. I think probably because I already have been doing things I shouldn’t that for someone to add one I didn’t do just puts me over the edge.

I determined last night that the reason I was feeling down was because I have been doing things quite often lately that I know are wrong and I do them anyway. This, ladies and gentlemen, is detrimental to the soul. Time to be a good person and stop being so selfish. Altruistic Natalie activate!

Hahaha. Enjoy your movie love and be as lazy as possible to get over this cold.

I included every bit of this email for a number of reasons. The first is that it shows how the conversation jumps from bit to bit and the back to the original conversation that would be the continuing from the previous message. Also, it brings up our Thursday routine yet again while addressing extreme girliness and crushes (hers being on the bartender since mine was addressed in the previous email). Now, Natalie is a fan of the men-folk. If you haven’t gathered this yet, you will. The event that she is hinting at happened the previous weekend. A coworker accused her of kissing another coworker of theirs and would not drop the issue. Natalie is an honest person, especially when it comes to these kinds of things. She would admit it if it were true. To me, to the coworkers, to anyone. So it is understandable why it would upset her.

Obviously, she didn’t want me to worry as her happy-go-lucky vibe returns for the conclusion of said email. Her dwelling on the boy issue (or really, the mention of essentially three boys in one email) sends my brain that direction.

11:51 AM
It’s times like this that I wish I had a boy who could come over and just sit on the couch with me to watch a movie. Oh wait, that might actually happen! But he won’t snuggle. But the snuggling is what I really want. Maybe he would. Probably not. Oh, but I wish! A girl can dream…

While I may not have a boy to snuggle me, I do have a kitty that senses my un-wellness. She keeps jumping on my bed to get my attention then jumping onto the floor and running around in circles, chasing her tail in the sunshine. The whole time looking up at me to make sure I’m watching. So cute. Silly kitty.

And this movie is terrible, but I’ll finish watching it. Cuss you, Jay Baruchel, for being so talented that you can make a would-be shitty movie not so awful and totally worth watching all the way through.

I should do some work.

Ramble ramble ramble.

Entertaining you while you work counts as work for me, right?

Sometimes you just have a day when you are feeling extra girly. Today was one of those days, apparently. Some days you also feel more like a cat lady. Again, today was one of those days.

And for the record, he did come over to watch the movie. Dinner was good. The movie was way better than the movie I was watching during the emailing extravaganza of the afternoon. Snuggles were not had.

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